The rabbis said of Galilee, "Although God has created seven seas, yet He has chosen this one as His special delight."
Photo: Alfonso Caraveo Castro
I feel the LORD has that same kind delight about the work of His church in San Diego and Baja.
Many people from family to friends to congregation have been worried about my safety and wondered about the various aspects that went into moving to Mexico. So I thought I would share a few positives.
The short of it is that I'm not afraid and my move will be a help/ less of a burden for the church finances in providing a housing allowance. The exact amount of my housing + utilities in Mexico can be offset precisely by the rental of the former apartment space. And I am only 26 miles from house to Church an visa versa.
Some people may have political differences with such a move- that is not my concern. My concerns are spiritual and spreading the the new good news- The Writings- to as many people's heart's and minds as can receive them. Here. There. Everywhere. That is always the first and foremost thing the Lord has asked us to do; to share His word with others for the good it will do, the healing and spiritual freedom and strength it may bring.
To that end, on two evenings a week, through outreach of this local San Diego Swedenborgian Church's ministry, not only do we hold classes here in SD, but we're able to provide fellowship, lessons, and the Lord's Holy Sacraments to our fellow Swedenborgians/ New Church folk and friends over the border.
Enthusiasts there in one study group are also learning our same lessons about angels, the afterlife, and the Lord, through his Word. Three are 24 participants, and there is the promise of many more.
There is a great rhizome of good work already done by others in Tijuana with an eagerness for the message contained in the writings (Proyecto Hispanaya, Rev Mark Perry, et al) which now seems ready to flourish and blossom forth. We are all in this work of evangelism and service/ uses together.
As far as danger to myself living in Tijuana might be of a concern to loved ones, the truth or experience is that actual theft and danger of my belongings and person have been more real in San Diego. Most recently, my car was stolen for the 3rd (!) time right outside the church. This time, probably pranksters for April Fool's Day (it wasn't funny and it was $275.00 expensive! to get it from the towing & storage place.) Gratefully, it was called in when an officer recognized the description. I got it returned to me (for a price) and I am grateful and very happy to be able to park it in my garage in Tijuana.
I have always said that The LORD is doing something special in the Border/ Baja California and San Diego area. And as we go forward in our efforts, perhaps we can take our example, our lesson in trust, courage and hope from the LORD Himself, who began His ministry of preaching and healing in Galilee. Galilee, was a bustling crossroads of a location, much like San Diego is.
Galilee was a port town also, with as many as 16 harbors and full of a diverse culture and people, seafaring individuals, fishing, other trades, certainly a crossroad of ideas, goods, and services.
The flat plain behind it stretched out beyond and behind it was rich and fertile as is the spiritual ground that is San Diego, its surrounding area, and the Baja Peninsula stretching further south and over to Tecate.
The rabbis said of Galilee, "Although God has created seven seas, yet He has chosen this one as His special delight." I can feel some of His delight about the work of His church in San Diego and Baja.