
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"HomeTribe" - A Place of Belonging

"HomeTribe" is the working name which brings me joy while we do the work of discovery and bringing about a Home for Children.

The hope is that the many children who come to be cared for will finally come home to place of love and belonging - a true family and home. The vision is for altogether sustainable lives: A home and eco-village of sorts where the children can feel safe again, play, learn, grow, flourish, and eventually contribute to the community in which the Home is situated and their lives have context.

This future home will also seek to provide the children as many opportunities as possible to stay connected to the surrounding indigenous culture wherever it may be: preserve and encourage creative interaction with the local community, language, arts, song, dance, and food as they have known it. We will strive to create ways of living which make for and encourage sustainable relationships, sustainable land conservation and care, using sustainable free-energy, through sustainable learning.

It is my hope that these spiritual qualities will reign as the norm: Love, wisdom, mercy, freedom, innocence, peace, healing wholeness, safety, joy throughout the creative whole of life.

By innocence, I mean a willingness to remain teachable, and to be led by what is good and true, thus life-long learning, so that the qualities named above become character. The understanding is that by having a humble, soft learning-edge - over time by journey and process, and a coming-into-being, we arrive at that place. That there is a place of hope and inviolability in every individual and that this is the place from which healing begins, unfolds, and grows. Thus innocence can be restored to any individual no matter their experiences or circumstances.

I like working under the auspices of this name "HomeTribe" because 1. it is fun and has both an ancient and a modern ring. 2. it is terminology young people use and understand. 3. because it means bringing children together in a family from unlikely and diverse origins. 4. because a diverse group of people who formerly didn't know each other are coming together through this common love and purpose. 5. because while we make the effort is to create a stable fixed loving home environment, the socio-historical connotations of this term acknowledges that life, true family, homecoming (be it by origin or adoption) is both a process and a journey.

Over the next six-nine months, it is my hope we will learn what works best and what doesn't from the "best practices" of successful sustainable homes already established. I have been witness to some already. I am/we are learning.

The Feasibility Project - Period of Study to Establish a Home for Children

Orphanage Project: Feasibility Period Study

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the one thing that only I can do." ~ (Helen Keller, A devout, self-proclaimed Swedenborgian)

Who What Where When How & Why

Reverend Carla Friedrich and the Swedenborgian Church at San Diego will spend the next six months writing a feasibility study on the creation of a sustainable orphanage/ Home for Children whose mission it will be to restore abandoned children to health, happiness, innocence, and hope. She and the church will engage with a team of the world’s leading consultants on orphanages, policy, and strategy. The study will set out a month by month plan for the creation and funding of the project. This proposal shows who will produce the plan, how and what she and her team will do, and where the funds will be used.

Study Team

Carla Friedrich, Study Director_

Reverend Carla Friedrich is a minister in the Swedenborgian Church of North America. She holds an M-Div from Pacific School of Religion, part of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. She holds a B.S. from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia where she majored in early childhood education. She is the mother of three grown daughters and five grandchildren.

Questions To Be Answered in this Feasibility Study:

Where should this orphanage be located?

This study will narrow down the potential location for the orphanage to four potential locations: The United States, Mexico, Peru, and a Native American & Indigenous Community. During the next six months Carla will travel to view potential sites and meet with leadership and possible local partners.

Who will fund the orphanage?

This study will examine only with orphan models that have proven themselves to be 70% financially sustainable. However, there will be a need for major investors in the startup years. During the period of this feasibility study Carla will engage with potential funders to gauge interest in supporting the vision once the study is completed.

Who will staff this orphanage?

This study will engage with potential employees.

What strategic alliances will be created?
This study will engage with community leadership, local governments, NGO’s and local businesses to see which might offer the best support for this effort.

How much will this cost?
This study will produce a detailed five year budget to launch the orphanage.

Timeline for the Study

Month 1

Set up site visits and interviews.

Month 2

Engage in three site visits and write them up.

Month 3

Engage in next three site visits and write them up.

Month 4

Follow up on site visits and write up results

Month 5

Travel to meet with potential funders and staff.

Month 6

Pull together all aspects of the study to produce a workable and fundable plan.

Consultants for the Feasibility Team: The following are the International Consultants we intend to further engage when funding is available and with whom we have already sought some expertise:

Ongoing Consultation with World-changing Leaders:

o Kent Rogers, Founder Loving Arms Mission/ New Life Home for Children

o Jesus Zarzosa, Founder and Director Proyecto Hispanaya, A.C.

o Shwaran Nepali, Founder Ama Foundation/ Ama Ghar

o Rene Veldt, Founder Hamro Guan/ Eco-Village for Children and Women

o Mario Torero, Founder El Centro Cultural de la Raza

Reverend Richard Tafel – Strategist

o Rich Tafel is an ordained minister in the Swedenborgian Church

o Assistant to the Minister at the Memorial Church at Harvard University.

o At Age 29, Rich was appointed by Governor William Weld of Massachusetts to be Director the adolescent health programs (School based and community health programs in the state)

o While in DC, Rich founded two civil rights organizations, which he brought to national prominence.

o In 2003 Rich founded RLT Strategies offering guidance and planning to world changing leaders.

o Provides strategy work to America’s leading social entrepreneurs in education (College Summit) and health care (Project Health).


o Provided strategic help to the US effort to deliver AIDS drugs to Africa

o Worked in conjunction with USAID to create a Business Council in Mexico to combat stigma for employees with HIV/AIDS.

o Partner of a for profit business in Mexico providing best practices to companies on wellness.

Nathaniel Dunigan Orphanage Director

o Dunigan is a Reynolds Foundation Fellow at Harvard University and Founder of Aidchild

o Deputy Director of the Office of the Governor in Tucson, Arizona

o At 26, Nathanial resigned position / $3,500/ Uganda, East Africa—

o Intention to Identify the Services Most Needed, To Establish an efficient, aggressive, excellent system of delivery of those services—to a maximum number of children.

o Aidchild, the organization Nathaniel founded serves than 3,000 children and families every month—through outpatient and inpatient clinics, academies, comprehensive-care-centers, and laboratory services.

o Aidchild is 70% financially self-sustained thanks to in-country businesses we created under our corporate label.

o 100% administratively self-sustained thanks to a dedicated team of Ugandan leaders

o Moved to San Diego 2010 to work on PhD

Keri Douglas Orphanage Expert

o Douglas works domestically and globally with businesses, authors, independent filmmakers and non-profit educational organizations to develop working strategies and clear messages.

o Her extensive network of government, media, business, political and NGO contacts around the world PROVIDES her with a strong reputation for building bridges between communities during times of crisis.

o As a consultant KERI created and produced the nation’s Sweet Charity Awareness Campaign to highlight the global crisis of orphans and children living with AIDS.

o Served at the Embassy of Switzerland, Ms. Douglas as Press Secretary where her primary issues concerned Holocaust assets in Switzerland, Swiss banking, money laundering and humanitarian actions (especially ICRC, asylum seekers, refugees, war crimes and the Geneva Conventions)

o Douglas initiated the Swiss Embassy’s annual congressional staff educational program – the first ever for the Swiss government.

o Produced an ongoing series of delegation visits to Switzerland for U.S. media, American business leaders and local, state and federal political officials, which covered issues on energy, environment and women’s issues.

o She also assisted in establishing the Swiss Congressional Caucus.

o Ms. Douglas served as a writer for both Presidents George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

o Ms. Douglas managed the volunteer office for President Reagan's personal office in Los Angeles.

o During Bush administration, Ms. Douglas assisted the Director of Voice of America.

o Douglas has lived in Poland, India, Lebanon, Greece, and West Berlin and has traveled extensively on her clients’ behalf throughout Europe, Asia and Latin/South America.

o She speaks French and has studied Italian and Japanese